Saturday, 19 June 2010

E3 2010: Sony - Game On

 Be you a reporter, fanboy or developer we all know that E3 is all about the games. Sony it seems also understand this, with their E3 press conference revealing a whole host of games across their range of services. So dive in and join us as we explore what Sony has to offer and uncover a few hidden surprises along the way!

 Just in case any of you were in any doubt, Sony are focusing on games at this years E3. Say what you will about Playstation move and the motion control "battle", games are in charge right now. Sony's big press converence was kicked off with a montage highlighting various Sony products and games, amongst them were Killzone 3, Little Big Planet 2, Metal Gear solid: Peace Walker and Grand Turismo 5. So all the usual suspects where there in force, but Sony goes much further then that as we're about to explore, it really feels that Sony have opened the flood gates.

 Going back to the "usual suspects" I should probably point out that usual doesn't mean bad. Not by a long shot. Titles like Killzone, Grand Turismo and MGS have become gaming icons over the years because of the quality the represent and the newest editions to the franchises are no exceptions. In many cases these games continue to push not only quality but also innovation as Sony begins to incorporate 3D technology and motion controls into games. Killzone 3 for example, is going to be released 3D and motion ready as soon as February 2011. Killzone game play was shown during the conference and features a blend to typical 'zone action and some new tweaks. Anyone who didn't notice that Killzone now features jet-packs should be sent straight out to the front line to see for themselves how cool they look. As a fan of this epic war story I can tell you I am looking forward to this one, the game-play videos that exist on-line demonstrate that the solid combat system we're used to is retained while Sony continue to strive for even more dynamic game-play.

  It's not all war though, as Sony have announced a deluge of titles including The Sly Collection, Grand Turismo 5, Shaun White Skateboaring, Tron Evolution, Crysis 2, SOCOM 4 and NBA 2K11. And all of these titles are allegedly going to be in 3D too, meaning that Sony have potentially a bumper crop of impressive material to take us into 2011. But this is just the opening salvo, during the course of Sony's press conference SCEA president Jack Tretton, reveals that a new Mortal Kombat game is headed to PS3 in glorious 3D and partnerships with EA, DICE and a young man by the name of Gabe Newell.

  Newell's appearance and support for Sony are perhaps the most surprising thing thus far as previously Newell had been an outspoken critic of the PS3 but now it appears he not only embraces the machine but has also promised the "best version" of Portal 2 for the PS3. EA also show their support for the PS3 by revealing   that the next instalment of Medal Of Honer will offer exclusive content for PS3 players, as will Dead Space 2. Watch out for limited editions of these games, with MOH offering an unscaled version of MOH Front-line while Dead Space offers an optimized Move version of the game included with it's limited edition version. 2K are also in on the action with PS3 exclusive content for Assassins Creed and Mafia in the pipework. There will also be a Final Fantasy MMORPG which will give anyone with exceptional amounts of time to burn the tool to do it!

  After going through Sony's commitment to 3D, Playstation Move and the push of the PSP (links to all of these topics follow below) Tretton ended by saying that there was one more surprise in store for the assembled press at the conference. This was the return of the Twisted Metal series, appearing on the PS3 for the first time. Admittedly I was always more of a Carmageddon fan but this is still exciting news for anyone interested in motor based carnage! This new games will reportedly feature two player split-screen action and new game modes, including "Nuke" mode involving strategic team play...and nukes.

  All in all it seems that there is a lot to be excited about regarding Sony's upcoming releases. They are plentiful and innovative, with Sony pushing 3D and motion controls with most of their games. And the above titles are simply the tip of the iceberg, check out our other posts to see what we can expect from Move and a host of upcoming PSP releases. Long may the king of games reign!

Check out further Sony E3 coverage here:
SonyE32010 – 3D

SonyE32010 – Portable

SonyE32010 – PSN Plus

SonyE32010– Move

SonyE32010 – Intro

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