Saturday, 19 June 2010

E3 2010: Sony - I Like To Move It, Move It!

  Playstation Move represents Sony's answer to the motion war brewing between the big powers in gaming. Say what you will about looking like a neon maraca there's a lot of fuss being made about these motion controls. Let's see what all the fuss is about...

  Playstation Move has an important job to do. For Sony it seems to represent one of major in-roads it is making at this years E3. Games are being push in terms of both quality and quantity, PSN Plus seems poised to make Sony's on-line service more profitable and the push of the PSP shows Sony aggressively attempting to expand and finally grab it niche of the portable console market. However, it is probably Sony's move into the world of 3D that is most compatible and interglacial to the success of Move...and Sony.

  With the move into 3D and the supporting Bravia branch of Sony's product range, Sony are developing a rather sweet little entertainment centre. Take that out of the grotty one-room flat and place it in the family home and you can see Playstation Move fitting in snugly with this set-up and flying, or at least moving, out of stores the world over. However, the beauty of move is that it would appear to cater to everyone and already have an impressive line-up of games on the way.

  Sure, there will be the family friendly sports and pet games but along side these we see titles like Killzone and SOCOM on the way so Move sits well as a dirty student's pastime or an retro slice of 1950's family Americana. It's an impressive and ambitious move by Sony to get so much lined up close to Move's launch, EU Sept 15, NA Sept. 19, Japan Oct. 21.

  The most impressive display of Moves capabilities comes from the E3 demonstrations of Tiger Woods and Sorcery - which was designed specifically and exclusively for Move. What was interesting about this is that it took two fairly different games and showed how they would work on Move. Move's multiple sensors did a great job of capturing the movements of a golf player and wizard but I will reserve judgement until I have a go for myself. Which I really want to do!

  I've never been much of a fan of motion controls, they always seemed to go against the grain of what video games where, however, with Move's line up of games it seems that the gimmick element is contrasted with impressive core games. The list of games said to be compatible with Move includes Sorcery, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11, Killzone 3, RUSE, Singstar Dance, echochrome II, EyePet TV superstars, SOCOM 4 and a Time Crisis game.

  The cost is to to be $50 for the controller and $30 for the navigation controller. There will also be bundle deals with a PS3, Move and PS Eye costing $400 and $100 bundle including Move, PS Eye and Sports Champions. Only time will tell if this will seriously threaten Microsoft of Nintendo, it's not the cheapest of toys, but given the range of games on the way it seems to be far from a gimmick.

 Get the rest of our Sony E3 coverage here:

SonyE32010 – Intro

SonyE32010 – Games

SonyE32010 – 3D

SonyE32010 – Portable

SonyE32010 – PSN Plus

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